You’re Invited: “Conversations With The Superintendent” Thursday at 6 p.m.

Come join us! The next “Conversations With The Superintendent,” hosted by Hudson City School Superintendent Dr. Juliette Pennyman, is this Thursday, Dec. 21, at 6 p.m. It’s free to attend and all are welcome!

This is your chance to have a discussion directly with the Superintendent. Participants will receive an update on the school district, can ask questions, share insights and join discussions while receiving responses in real time.

The program is at the Hudson City Department of Youth, 18 South 3rd St. in Hudson, and will last one hour. Sessions are always on the third Thursday of each month; future programs are on Jan. 18, 2024, Feb. 15, March 21, April 18, May 16 and June 20.

“I always look forward to hearing what’s important to families in our school district,” Dr. Pennyman said. “These discussions are absolutely vital to strengthening the partnership among our students, community and schools’ faculty and staff. It’s true that in Hudson, #TogetherWeCan, so we’re hoping to see a huge crowd Thursday at the Department of Youth!”